Hi Martin,

you should be using the species/root call from our species API:

It takes the datasetKey you are interested in, for example for the GBIF backbone taxonomy this call is:

Subsequent, pageable childs are then retrieved with:

The search you have been doing is across all checklist datasets we have indexed so you get kingdoms from hundreds of different taxonomies.


Markus Döring
Software Developer
Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF)

On 19 Dec 2015, at 14:26, Martin Wendt <gbif@wwwendt.de> wrote:

I try to implement a lazy-loading taxonomy tree (as a demo for a open source javascript tree plugin). 

See here for an example:

What JSON API should use to get the top level nodes (i.e. Kingdoms)?
Currently I call 
but this returns much more than the ~7 entries I expect (Animalia, Plantae, Fungi, …)

I seem to get reasonable results, if I only display nodes with key == nubKey.

But the search results retrieved by `species/search?q=homo sapiens` returns multiple hits, and some of them have keys different from nubKey.
Those matches seem to be descendants of an `Animals` kingdom that also has nubKey != key.

I guess my mental model of the data structure is too naïve:
- why are there different ‚Animals‘ kingdoms with different keys but identical nubKey?
- does it make sense at all to display a tree (with only one ‚animals‘ node)?
- when I restrict the search results to entries that have a kingdom with key == nubKey, what will the user miss?

Martin Wendt
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