Hola Antonio
Can you please join and use the GBIF API mailing list for questions relating to the API? http://lists.gbif.org/mailman/listinfo/api-users
We don’t make explicit use of LSIDs on GBIF.org. I expect what you want to do is lookup the GBIF species key using the species API, and then use that on the occurrence API to get occurrences.
E.g. Given the plant genus Oenanthe you can look up the taxon (name usage) information using: http://api.gbif.org/v1/species/match?verbose=false&kingdom=Plantae&n...
noting the usageID is 3034893 in the response. You’d presumably either do this on demand or map this to your own backbone periodically. This can then be used to search for occurrences: http://api.gbif.org/v1/occurrence/search?taxonKey=3034893
Alternatively, if you were to publish your own checklist and have GBIF index it, the taxa would be searchable using your own sourceId: http://api.gbif.org/v1/species?sourceId=<your id here>
I hope this helps, Tim
On 26 Jan 2015, at 09:35, Éamonn Ó Tuama [GBIF] eotuama@gbif.org wrote:
Tim, Best for you to answer Antonio. Éamonn
From: Antonio García Camacho [mailto:antonio.garcia.camacho@csic.es] Sent: 26 January 2015 01:42 To: Éamonn Ó Tuama Subject: API GBIF: search species using GUID (LSID)
Dear Éamonn, We found some problems using the GBIF API to search for occurrences and datasets. I will explain the use scenario: Using the EU BON taxonomic backbone we will find out the LSID of a given species. Therefore, we want to use this LSID, a universal identifier actually, to ask for datasets and occurrences to each data provider. Using GBIF occurrence API we can search filtering by scientific name or even by taxonKey, but it seems that we can not filter using the LSID. Is there a way to filter using species LSIDs or even translating these LSIDs to taxonKeys?
Thanks, Antonio.
-- Antonio García Camacho Estacion Biologica de Doñana (CSIC) Americo Vespucio s/n Isla de la Cartuja 41092 Sevilla, España Tel. +34 954232340 / Fax. +34 954621125 antonio.garcia.camacho@csic.es www.ebd.csic.es