Hi folks,

This is my first message to the list. So, please, be nice :)

I'm working here at Rio de Janeiro Botanical Garden, together with the guys at the National Center for Flora Conservation. We are doing the risk assessment of the Brazilian flora to the government. We assess, so far, the risk of ca. 6.000 species, but we still have to assess ca. 35.000. Access occurrence records for Brazil is crucial, and every occurrence is important.

That means that we have to put together occurrence data from different sources and, after the first batch of the risk assessment, we realize that we need to build up our aggregator. We are planning to do this with the Lontra-harvester, with the help of the guys at Brazilian GBIF Node.

So, the one of the firsts steps was to list the available resources to understand the dimension of the task and, that brings me to my questions.


The request:

returns 4.982.689 records

And the request:

returns (here) 7.406.310 records



The request:

return things like this:


But the consult of the same dataset:

Returns "null" (of course, is a FishBase!)

I have plenty of examples like this, on yellow here (not finished!):


I think those two questions is a good start. Please, let me know if I'm doing something wrong.


Instituto de Pesquisas Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro - JBRJ
Trabalho / Work: +55 21 3204 2116
e-mail alternativo /  alternate email: edalcin@jbrj.org
Agendar reunião / Schedule a meeting: http://agendar.dalc.in