Hi Markus,
On 17 Jun, 2014, at 12:24 am, Markus Döring mdoering@gbif.org wrote:
the correct call to the species match service is this: http://api.gbif.org/v0.9/species/match?name=Hoolock+hoolock%E2%80%9D
I'm surprised it did work before, I don't think we changed the URL in this release. We *did* finally do a new deploy though yesterday morning so you should see a slightly enhanced occurrence API now.
/species?name=… is listed as a search method in http://www.gbif.org/developer/species#searching, and it does exactly what I need: /species/match won’t work for me since it only searches the Backbone Taxonomy, while I need to look for names across all the checklists on GBIF.
I can use /species/search and then filter out non-perfect matches, but if you have any plans to reinstate /species?name=…, that would be very helpful!
cheers, Gaurav