I am using Maps API v2 with Mapbox GL JS to map occurrence data with two parameters; taxonKey and country. When I zoom in on the map, some points (hex in my case) dissappear and appear. Could you think of any idea why this happens?
GBIF Maps API https://api.gbif.org/v2/map/occurrence/density/%7Bz%7D/%7Bx%7D/%7By%7D@1x.pn...
Base map https://tile.gbif.org/3857/omt/%7Bz%7D/%7Bx%7D/%7By%7D@1x.png?style=gbif-dar...
Image of the map with different zoom levels and the source file https://nieseicmg-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/totsu_kumiko_nies_go_jp/E...
Best regards,
Kumiko -------------------------------------------------------- Kumiko Totsu Center for Environmental Biology and Ecosystem Studies National Institute for Environmental Studies, Japan totsu.kumiko@nies.go.jp --------------------------------------------------------