Hi Ken-ichi,
this indeed is a bug in our code and I have created an issue with explanations for it here:

Hope to get his fixed soon. 
Thanks for reporting!


On 08 Sep 2014, at 19:29, Ken-ichi <kenichi.ueda@gmail.com> wrote:

When viewing many (most?) of the iNat records on GBIF, I see a yellow
box at the top of the page listing some "Interpretation Issues." Some
of them I understand, like derived country, since iNat doesn't report
the country, just the coordinates, but the following are more opaque:

* Recorded date unlikely
* Modified date unlikely
* Identified date unlikely

Here's an example: http://www.gbif.org/occurrence/923925309. As far as
I know, all three dates are accurate for that record. Why does GBIF
think they're "unlikely"?

I suppose this is only tangentially related to the API, so if I should
be directing this elsewhere please let me know.

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