Dear Michael, In case you have not received a reply yet - If you are submitting requests through the GBIF API there is a limit to the size of the string that can be submitted. It would seem that a 1000 coordinate pairs would break the limit. I would recommend downloading data for the general area you are interested in and filter using a GIS application. I have done something similar using a complex polygon in R and I can help you in this regard. Sincerely, Jan K. Legind Data manager, GBIF From: API-users [mailto:api-users-bounces@lists.gbif.org] On Behalf Of Reetz, Michael (NLPV) Sent: 18 May 2018 09:43 To: api-users@lists.gbif.org Subject: [API-users] Number of coordinates in "within" predicate Dear all, I'm working on a procedure for data download for the "Lower Saxon Wadden Sea" national park using the API. It works for a smaller region defined by a polygon with 183 coordinate pairs (vertices). For a larger region (more than 1000 coordinate pairs), I receive status 400 and the following response text: Instantiation of [simple type, class org.gbif.api.model.occurrence.predicate.WithinPredicate] value failed: null (through reference chain: org.gbif.api.model.occurrence.predicate.WithinPredicate["geometry"]) My question is where the limit for the number of coordinate pairs is. Thanks for help. Kind regards Michael Reetz ***************************************** Nationalpark-Verwaltung Niedersächsisches Wattenmeer Virchowstr. 1 26382 Wilhelmshaven Tel.: +49 (0) 4421 911 291 Fax.: +49 (0) 441 799 61039 e-mail: michael.reetz@nlpv-wattenmeer.niedersachsen.de<mailto:michael.reetz@nlpv-wattenmeer.niedersachsen.de> Web: http://www.<http://www.nationalpark-wattenmeer.niedersachsen.de/>nationalpark-wattenmeer.de Flussgebietsmanagement Übergangs-/Küstengewässer NLWKN * Betriebsstelle Brake / Oldenburg e-mail: michael.reetz@nlwkn-ol.niedersachsen.de<mailto:michael.reetz@nlwkn-ol.niedersachsen.de> Web: http://www.nlwkn.de