Hi all, 

I don't remember what API behavior and documentation used to be like, but for some routes the behavior and docs don't seem ideal. For example, for name usages, I don't see any docs on default and max limit/offset values. As far as I can tell, only occurrences routes have that information. Could docs be added for what default and max limit/offset values are for each route or each set of routes?

About behavior: If you put in a very large number to limit param like 20,000 I would think that's bigger than what's allowed, but perhaps not?  If I do a curl request with a very high limit value I was expecting to quickly get an error about the limit parameter being too high. If it's too high perhaps it's simply dropped and a default value is used (just like the /occurrences/search)? If that was the case I would expect some round default value like 1000 or so.  Or is there no max value for limit on some routes?  If so, that seems like it'd leave the API open to abuse? 

(p.s., I was testing what a request with very large limit does and I hope I didn't break anything on your end, apologies if I did)

Best, Scott