28 May
28 May
I was able to successfully post a download request to gbif which was successful, but the size was 0B. Below are the details of download,
IDENTIFIERdoi:10.15468/dl.gnpik4 http://doi.org/10.15468/dl.gnpik4CITE ASGBIF.org (28th May 2015) GBIF Occurrence Download http://doi.org/10.15468/dl.gnpik4 QUERYGeoreferencedtrueSpatial issuesfalseYear>= 1995Month>= JanuaryCountry IndiaTaxonLepidopteraSIZE0 BSTATUSSucceeded
You can see that the status is Succeeded, but the the SIZE is 0B. Also, I didn't receive any email notification regarding download completion. Am I missing anything?
Thanks, Priyank