11 Nov
11 Nov
Hi everyone As you know by now, we are developing a new site. Yesterday we released a new version to http://demo.gbif.org The most notably changes in this version is: Species pages http://demo.gbif.org/species/5230740 http://demo.gbif.org/species/5786064 Integration with IUCN and CITES Dataset pages have had another iteration http://demo.gbif.org/dataset/e635240a-3cb1-4d26-ab87-57d8c7afdfdb Option to explore taxonomy on both checklist datasets and occurrence datasets And last, but not least - new maps. You will notice that it shows hexagons. More styles and projections are coming up. This is all still work in development, but should give you an idea of where we are heading. Hope you like it - Morten Høfft