
I take the opportunity to ask about the difference between two GBIF terms:

What is the difference of "occurrenceID" compared to "identifier"?  Both have the same value in this dataset:

I see "occurrenceID" well explained here:

But I can't find the explanation for "identifier", which I think some institutions have been incorrectly understanding as "occurrenceID".
For example: 

There is an "identifier" in that occurrence, but no "occurrenceID".
1) What is exactly the meaning of that "identifier"?  Why is it not explained in dwc terms page?
2) What happens if the data provider keeps all data UNCHANGED, but adds the "occurrenceID" which was missing?
    Would next GBIF reindex keep the same number of records and add their occurrenceIDs? (perhaps looking at the triplet in that "identifier"?)
    Would later on be safe to change any fields in the dataset (even "identifier", "catalognumber", ...) if that data provider keeps those occurrenceIDs stable?


On 27 August 2016 at 08:01, Roderic Page <Roderic.Page@glasgow.ac.uk> wrote:
Just wanted to check the consequences of the following dataset operation.

Say I have a dataset with 10 occurrences with occurrence ids 1-10. In my local database I now assign those 10 occurrences new identifiers a-j. If I create a new DwCA file for my data and crawl the new archive, my expectation is:

1. Old data with ids 1-10 is deleted from GBIF index 
2. New data with ids a-j is indexed

So, end result is dataset has 10 occurrences. I'm asking because I know in the past the some datasets have changed identifiers and this has resulted in records with old and new identifiers coexisting in GBIF index, resulting in duplicated data.

Obviously it would be nice to have stable, unchanging identifiers for occurrences, but the for data set I'm working with the creators have changed their minds between versions of the data :(


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