
  I'm development a tool for data quality and I'm using the GBIF API to validate scientific names.
  I want to know if you have a documentation about the JSON response. I have any questions:
  1- What the possibles values to matchType attribute? 
  2- When the result is exact, always return a single dataset? And when the result isn't exact, the  attribute "alternatives"  return the datasets that better matche with the search term?
  3- What kind of URL I should use when the name query has space and special caracteres, for example, ().,& ?
  Thank you,




Daniele Palazzi Krempser

Especialista em Banco de Dados

Laboratório Nacional da Computação Científica

+55 24  2233-6183

+55 24 98822-4495

Skype: danicpalazzi

