Re: [Ala-portal] ALA harvest and indexing tool

Hi Francisco, I am well thanks, and I hope you are too. The ALA tool can ingest DwC-A datasets from a URL (which could be an IPT or GBIF portal download for example) and they also support direct publication through file uploads. I am not sure if they have BioCASe, TAPIR and DiGIR support, but I *believe* not. It would not be particularly difficult with the GBIF crawler libraries however, for a Java developer to develop a crawler which produces DwC-A ready for ingestion into the ALA. Please can you ask these kind of questions to the user list (CC’ed) so you get the most accurate answers and so others who may have similar questions can search and discover them? Thanks, and I hope this helps, Tim On 11 Jun 2014, at 16:20, Francisco Moura <> wrote:
Hello Tim, how are you? I hope you are doing well!
Would you tell me wich tool ALA (Atlas of Living Australia) is using for harvest and indexing the occurrence datasets? Are they using IPT to publish the occurrence datasets?
Thank you again,
Francisco Moura +55 (31) 8277-8448 (Claro)
participants (1)
Tim Robertson [GBIF]