27 Jun
27 Jun
Hi David,
Yes, I am using the same biocache commandline tool.
This issue only occurs when I try to access the Cassandra Database on a remote server. When I access a local instance, it works perfectly.
Daniel Lins da Silva
(Mobile) 55 11 96144-4050
Research Center on Biodiversity and Computing (Biocomp)
University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
2014-06-25 3:47 GMT-03:00 David.Martin@csiro.au:
> Sorry, Im not sure whats happening here.
> If you are using the same biocache commandline tool to load the data and
> do the processing then there shouldnt be an issue as it uses the same
> configuration.
> If you are running the biocache commandline tool on one machine to do the
> loading, and the running the biocache commandline tool on a different
> machine to do the processing then they will be using different
> configuration files with potentially different content.
> Dave
> ------------------------------
> *From:* Daniel Lins [daniel.lins@gmail.com]
> *Sent:* 25 June 2014 16:40
> *To:* Martin, Dave (CES, Black Mountain)
> *Cc:* ala-portal@lists.gbif.org; Pedro Corrêa
> *Subject:* Re: [ExternalEmail] Re: [Ala-portal] Using Biocache-Store and
> Apache Cassandra on different servers
> Hi Dave,
> This seems to be the problem! But which settings could be? Something in
> the external configuration file?
> Because when I set the biocache property (*cassandra.hosts=localhost)* to
> access the local instance of Cassandra it works perfectly.
> When I ran the processing process, biocache returns these messages:
> biocache> process dr0
> Processing dr0 incremental=false
> 2014-06-25 03:26:29,145 INFO : [Consumer] - Initialising thread: 0
> 2014-06-25 03:26:29,189 INFO : [Consumer] - Initialising thread: 1
> 2014-06-25 03:26:29,190 INFO : [Consumer] - Initialising thread: 2
> 2014-06-25 03:26:29,191 INFO : [Consumer] - Initialising thread: 3
> 2014-06-25 03:26:29,191 INFO : [ProcessWithActors] - Starting with dr0|
> endingwith dr0|~
> 2014-06-25 03:26:29,193 INFO : [ProcessWithActors] - Initialised actors...
> 2014-06-25 03:26:29,200 INFO : [Consumer] - In thread: 1
> 2014-06-25 03:26:29,200 INFO : [Consumer] - In thread: 0
> 2014-06-25 03:26:29,200 INFO : [Consumer] - In thread: 2
> 2014-06-25 03:26:29,209 INFO : [Consumer] - In thread: 3
> 2014-06-25 03:26:29,271 INFO : [ProcessWithActors] - Last row key
> processed:
> 2014-06-25 03:26:29,271 INFO : [ProcessWithActors] - Finished.
> 2014-06-25 03:26:29,278 INFO : [Consumer] - Killing (Actor.act) thread: 0
> 2014-06-25 03:26:29,278 INFO : [Consumer] - Killing (Actor.act) thread: 3
> 2014-06-25 03:26:29,278 INFO : [Consumer] - Killing (Actor.act) thread: 2
> 2014-06-25 03:26:29,278 INFO : [Consumer] - Killing (Actor.act) thread: 1
> and the Cassandra data, I believe that remains the same:
> [default@occ] list occ limit 1;
> Using default cell limit of 100
> -------------------
> RowKey: dr0|urn:lsid:icmbio.gov.br:icmbio.parnaso.occurrence:MA120999
> => (name=acceptedNameUsageID, value=MA20, timestamp=1403674832408000)
> => (name=associatedMedia,
> value=/data/biocache-media/dr0/11302/4356e553-1080-4815-ba86-20f85f13394c/Chrysocyon.brachyurus.jpg,
> timestamp=1403674832408000)
> => (name=basisOfRecord, value=HumanObservation, timestamp=1403674832408000)
> => (name=catalogNumber, value=MA120999, timestamp=1403674832408000)
> => (name=classs, value=Mammalia, timestamp=1403666202349000)
> => (name=collectionCode, value=PARNASO, timestamp=1403674832408000)
> => (name=continent, value=América, timestamp=1403674832408000)
> => (name=coordinatePrecision, value=30, timestamp=1403674832408000)
> => (name=country, value=Brasil, timestamp=1403674832408000)
> => (name=countryCode, value=BR, timestamp=1403674832408000)
> => (name=county, value=Anastacio, timestamp=1403674832408000)
> => (name=dataResourceUid, value=dr0, timestamp=1403674832408000)
> => (name=datasetName, value=Monitoramento, timestamp=1403674832408000)
> => (name=dateIdentified, value=2014-03-16 00:00:00.0,
> timestamp=1403674832408000)
> => (name=day, value=16, timestamp=1403674832408000)
> => (name=decimalLatitude, value=-18.355717, timestamp=1403674832408000)
> => (name=decimalLongitude, value=-55.55105, timestamp=1403674832408000)
> => (name=defaultValuesUsed, value=false, timestamp=1403674832408000)
> => (name=eventDate, value=2014-03-16 00:00:00.0,
> timestamp=1403674832408000)
> => (name=eventID, value=100, timestamp=1403674832408000)
> => (name=eventRemarks, value=Chuvoso, timestamp=1403674832408000)
> => (name=family, value=Canidae, timestamp=1403674832408000)
> => (name=firstLoaded, value=2014-06-25T00:15:40Z,
> timestamp=1403666202349000)
> => (name=genus, value=Chrysocyon, timestamp=1403674832408000)
> => (name=geodeticDatum, value=EPSG:4326, timestamp=1403674832408000)
> => (name=georeferenceProtocol, value="Guide to Best Practices for
> Georeferencing" (Chapman and Wieczorek, eds. 2006),
> timestamp=1403674832408000)
> => (name=georeferencedBy, value=D. Silva, timestamp=1403674832408000)
> => (name=identifiedBy, value=James L. Patton, timestamp=1403674832408000)
> => (name=institutionCode, value=ICMBIO, timestamp=1403674832408000)
> => (name=kingdom, value=Animalia, timestamp=1403674832408000)
> => (name=language, value=pt-BR, timestamp=1403674832408000)
> => (name=lastModifiedTime, value=2014-06-25T02:40:29Z,
> timestamp=1403674832408000)
> => (name=locality, value=Fazenda Alegre Paraguai River,
> timestamp=1403674832408000)
> => (name=locationDetermined, value=false, timestamp=1403674832408000)
> => (name=locationRemarks, value=Cerrado, timestamp=1403674832408000)
> => (name=maximumElevationInMeters, value=0, timestamp=1403674832408000)
> => (name=minimumElevationInMeters, value=0, timestamp=1403674832408000)
> => (name=miscProperties, value={"class":"Mammalia","type":"Event"},
> timestamp=1403674832408000)
> => (name=modified, value=2013-03-16 18:19:39.0, timestamp=1403674832408000)
> => (name=month, value=3, timestamp=1403674832408000)
> => (name=municipality, value=Anastacio, timestamp=1403674832408000)
> => (name=occurrenceID, value=urn:lsid:icmbio.gov.br:icmbio.parnaso.occurrence:MA120999,
> timestamp=1403674832408000)
> => (name=order, value=Carnivora, timestamp=1403674832408000)
> => (name=phylum, value=Chordata, timestamp=1403674832408000)
> => (name=recordNumber, value=444, timestamp=1403674832408000)
> => (name=recordedBy, value=S. Siemel, timestamp=1403674832408000)
> => (name=rights, value=Os termos e condições para uso estão disponíveis no
> documento localizado em http://www.icmbio.gov.br/direitos/normas.pdf.,
> timestamp=1403674832408000)
> => (name=rowKey, value=dr0|urn:lsid:icmbio.gov.br:icmbio.parnaso.occurrence:MA120999,
> timestamp=1403674832408000)
> => (name=samplingEffort, value=105 homem-hora, timestamp=1403674832408000)
> => (name=samplingProtocol, value=Protocolo de Monitoramento,
> timestamp=1403674832408000)
> => (name=scientificName, value=Chrysocyon brachyurus,
> timestamp=1403674832408000)
> => (name=scientificNameAuthorship, value=(Illiger 1815),
> timestamp=1403674832408000)
> => (name=stateProvince, value=Mato Grosso do Sul,
> timestamp=1403674832408000)
> => (name=taxonRank, value=species, timestamp=1403674832408000)
> => (name=uuid, value=4356e553-1080-4815-ba86-20f85f13394c,
> timestamp=1403674832408000)
> => (name=verbatimLatitude, value=-18.355717, timestamp=1403674832408000)
> => (name=verbatimLongitude, value=-55.55105, timestamp=1403674832408000)
> => (name=year, value=2014, timestamp=1403674832408000)
> 2014-06-25 3:18 GMT-03:00 David.Martin@csiro.au:
>> Thanks Daniel. Is it possible that you are running a different version
>> of the commandline tool when you run a load compared to when you run
>> process+index ?
>> I can see from the output from cassandra-cli that the records havent been
>> processed at all.
>> I can only think that when you are running the processing and indexing
>> its using configuration that is pointing at a different server.
>> Dave
>> ------------------------------
>> *From:* Daniel Lins [daniel.lins@gmail.com]
>> *Sent:* 25 June 2014 16:00
>> *To:* Martin, Dave (CES, Black Mountain)
>> *Cc:* ala-portal@lists.gbif.org; Pedro Corrêa
>> *Subject:* Re: [ExternalEmail] Re: [Ala-portal] Using Biocache-Store and
>> Apache Cassandra on different servers
>> Hi Dave,
>> I used the biocache tool (load dr0) to load these data. To view these
>> data in Cassandra normally I use the cassandra-cli or the cql tool (cqlsh).
>> After loading the data on the remote server, I can see them using these
>> tools (see below). But after, while performing the processing and indexing
>> steps, these issues occur.
>> poliusp@poliusp-VirtualBox:~/dev/apache-cassandra-1.2.13/bin$ sudo
>> ./cassandra-cli -h -k occ
>> Connected to: "Biocache Cluster" on
>> Welcome to Cassandra CLI version 1.2.13
>> Type 'help;' or '?' for help.
>> Type 'quit;' or 'exit;' to quit.
>> [default@occ] list occ limit 1;
>> Using default cell limit of 100
>> -------------------
>> RowKey: dr0|urn:lsid:icmbio.gov.br:icmbio.parnaso.occurrence:MA120999
>> => (name=acceptedNameUsageID, value=MA20, timestamp=1403674832408000)
>> => (name=associatedMedia,
>> value=/data/biocache-media/dr0/11302/4356e553-1080-4815-ba86-20f85f13394c/Chrysocyon.brachyurus.jpg,
>> timestamp=1403674832408000)
>> => (name=basisOfRecord, value=HumanObservation,
>> timestamp=1403674832408000)
>> => (name=catalogNumber, value=MA120999, timestamp=1403674832408000)
>> => (name=classs, value=Mammalia, timestamp=1403666202349000)
>> => (name=collectionCode, value=PARNASO, timestamp=1403674832408000)
>> => (name=continent, value=América, timestamp=1403674832408000)
>> => (name=coordinatePrecision, value=30, timestamp=1403674832408000)
>> => (name=country, value=Brasil, timestamp=1403674832408000)
>> => (name=countryCode, value=BR, timestamp=1403674832408000)
>> => (name=county, value=Anastacio, timestamp=1403674832408000)
>> => (name=dataResourceUid, value=dr0, timestamp=1403674832408000)
>> => (name=datasetName, value=Monitoramento, timestamp=1403674832408000)
>> => (name=dateIdentified, value=2014-03-16 00:00:00.0,
>> timestamp=1403674832408000)
>> => (name=day, value=16, timestamp=1403674832408000)
>> => (name=decimalLatitude, value=-18.355717, timestamp=1403674832408000)
>> => (name=decimalLongitude, value=-55.55105, timestamp=1403674832408000)
>> => (name=defaultValuesUsed, value=false, timestamp=1403674832408000)
>> => (name=eventDate, value=2014-03-16 00:00:00.0,
>> timestamp=1403674832408000)
>> => (name=eventID, value=100, timestamp=1403674832408000)
>> => (name=eventRemarks, value=Chuvoso, timestamp=1403674832408000)
>> => (name=family, value=Canidae, timestamp=1403674832408000)
>> => (name=firstLoaded, value=2014-06-25T00:15:40Z,
>> timestamp=1403666202349000)
>> => (name=genus, value=Chrysocyon, timestamp=1403674832408000)
>> => (name=geodeticDatum, value=EPSG:4326, timestamp=1403674832408000)
>> => (name=georeferenceProtocol, value="Guide to Best Practices for
>> Georeferencing" (Chapman and Wieczorek, eds. 2006),
>> timestamp=1403674832408000)
>> => (name=georeferencedBy, value=D. Silva, timestamp=1403674832408000)
>> => (name=identifiedBy, value=James L. Patton, timestamp=1403674832408000)
>> => (name=institutionCode, value=ICMBIO, timestamp=1403674832408000)
>> => (name=kingdom, value=Animalia, timestamp=1403674832408000)
>> => (name=language, value=pt-BR, timestamp=1403674832408000)
>> => (name=lastModifiedTime, value=2014-06-25T02:40:29Z,
>> timestamp=1403674832408000)
>> => (name=locality, value=Fazenda Alegre Paraguai River,
>> timestamp=1403674832408000)
>> => (name=locationDetermined, value=false, timestamp=1403674832408000)
>> => (name=locationRemarks, value=Cerrado, timestamp=1403674832408000)
>> => (name=maximumElevationInMeters, value=0, timestamp=1403674832408000)
>> => (name=minimumElevationInMeters, value=0, timestamp=1403674832408000)
>> => (name=miscProperties, value={"class":"Mammalia","type":"Event"},
>> timestamp=1403674832408000)
>> => (name=modified, value=2013-03-16 18:19:39.0,
>> timestamp=1403674832408000)
>> => (name=month, value=3, timestamp=1403674832408000)
>> => (name=municipality, value=Anastacio, timestamp=1403674832408000)
>> => (name=occurrenceID, value=urn:lsid:icmbio.gov.br:icmbio.parnaso.occurrence:MA120999,
>> timestamp=1403674832408000)
>> => (name=order, value=Carnivora, timestamp=1403674832408000)
>> => (name=phylum, value=Chordata, timestamp=1403674832408000)
>> => (name=recordNumber, value=444, timestamp=1403674832408000)
>> => (name=recordedBy, value=S. Siemel, timestamp=1403674832408000)
>> => (name=rights, value=Os termos e condições para uso estão disponíveis
>> no documento localizado em http://www.icmbio.gov.br/direitos/normas.pdf.,
>> timestamp=1403674832408000)
>> => (name=rowKey, value=dr0|urn:lsid:icmbio.gov.br:icmbio.parnaso.occurrence:MA120999,
>> timestamp=1403674832408000)
>> => (name=samplingEffort, value=105 homem-hora, timestamp=1403674832408000)
>> => (name=samplingProtocol, value=Protocolo de Monitoramento,
>> timestamp=1403674832408000)
>> => (name=scientificName, value=Chrysocyon brachyurus,
>> timestamp=1403674832408000)
>> => (name=scientificNameAuthorship, value=(Illiger 1815),
>> timestamp=1403674832408000)
>> => (name=stateProvince, value=Mato Grosso do Sul,
>> timestamp=1403674832408000)
>> => (name=taxonRank, value=species, timestamp=1403674832408000)
>> => (name=uuid, value=4356e553-1080-4815-ba86-20f85f13394c,
>> timestamp=1403674832408000)
>> => (name=verbatimLatitude, value=-18.355717, timestamp=1403674832408000)
>> => (name=verbatimLongitude, value=-55.55105, timestamp=1403674832408000)
>> => (name=year, value=2014, timestamp=1403674832408000)
>> poliusp@poliusp-VirtualBox:~/dev/biocache$ cqlsh
>> Connected to Biocache Cluster at
>> [cqlsh 3.1.8 | Cassandra 2.0.8 | CQL spec 3.0.0 | Thrift protocol 19.39.0]
>> Use HELP for help.
>> cqlsh> use occ;
>> cqlsh:occ> select * from occ;
>> key |
>> portalId | uuid
>> ---------------------------------------------------------------+----------+--------------------------------------
>> dr0|urn:lsid:icmbio.gov.br:icmbio.parnaso.occurrence:MA120999 |
>> null | 4356e553-1080-4815-ba86-20f85f13394c
>> dr0|urn:lsid:icmbio.gov.br:icmbio.parnaso.occurrence:MA34261 |
>> null | ab61409f-5e42-41a6-ac81-8bf9c0b93aac
>> dr0|urn:lsid:icmbio.gov.br:icmbio.parnaso.occurrence:MA63770 |
>> null | cffb70cb-f583-4e10-8ea9-600fdce36706
>> dr0|urn:lsid:icmbio.gov.br:icmbio.parnaso.occurrence:MA133941 |
>> null | 9be57c4f-e2d0-4d67-a418-cb140c113029
>> dr0|urn:lsid:icmbio.gov.br:icmbio.parnaso.occurrence:MA63773 |
>> null | 9c3c0c56-9279-4e3d-8b01-a4bc9068093f
>> dr0|urn:lsid:icmbio.gov.br:icmbio.parnaso.occurrence:MA27101 |
>> null | 4e1b082d-3610-45b2-b49f-f9c72c050866
>> dr0|urn:lsid:icmbio.gov.br:icmbio.parnaso.occurrence:MA36962 |
>> null | 515b1fd5-7611-4724-a371-c2843f4b0900
>> dr0|urn:lsid:icmbio.gov.br:icmbio.parnaso.occurrence:MA63846 |
>> null | a48edaee-f7ba-41bf-bef1-bef867a67faa
>> dr0|urn:lsid:icmbio.gov.br:icmbio.parnaso.occurrence:MA63771 |
>> null | 352fe23c-7f29-43eb-bb82-8b5f195150a1
>> dr0|urn:lsid:icmbio.gov.br:icmbio.parnaso.occurrence:MA28313 |
>> null | 6a1d090d-dadb-4f24-8bfe-a6c24846d8c3
>> dr0|urn:lsid:icmbio.gov.br:icmbio.parnaso.occurrence:MA146295 |
>> null | 5c2500cc-6935-4caf-ad05-0fea60fc2f3c
>> dr0|urn:lsid:icmbio.gov.br:icmbio.parnaso.occurrence:MA42147 |
>> null | a9f14456-01cb-44b8-91bc-605aecd26d50
>> dr0|urn:lsid:icmbio.gov.br:icmbio.parnaso.occurrence:MA2523 |
>> null | c5a064fc-31b5-4952-a513-9062ad347db0
>> dr0|urn:lsid:icmbio.gov.br:icmbio.parnaso.occurrence:MA123393 |
>> null | 75a50714-1c30-4e56-a2bb-006593b6277a
>> dr0|urn:lsid:icmbio.gov.br:icmbio.parnaso.occurrence:MA36937 |
>> null | 69db738e-a98e-4f25-95e1-ba9dd52aa006
>> dr0|urn:lsid:icmbio.gov.br:icmbio.parnaso.occurrence:MA63769 |
>> null | 4a8e57f0-d288-48f5-9b07-d56fe190e4e1
>> dr0|urn:lsid:icmbio.gov.br:icmbio.parnaso.occurrence:MA44534 |
>> null | 173dbf31-09e6-4672-a210-dc63dbe33f47
>> dr0|urn:lsid:icmbio.gov.br:icmbio.parnaso.occurrence:MA21669 |
>> null | b75bc5d8-0899-4baf-883a-bb0b97416a74
>> dr0|urn:lsid:icmbio.gov.br:icmbio.parnaso.occurrence:MA71180 |
>> null | 676e7b64-2303-4707-b726-63112fde031a
>> dr0|urn:lsid:icmbio.gov.br:icmbio.parnaso.occurrence:MA28312 |
>> null | 93106978-65fd-4eb6-aa5d-ca1d2e5c98f4
>> dr0|urn:lsid:icmbio.gov.br:icmbio.parnaso.occurrence:MA28311 |
>> null | 92c03fe9-20cf-4ff0-9749-85e5730e8893
>> dr0|urn:lsid:icmbio.gov.br:icmbio.parnaso.occurrence:MA23771 |
>> null | a7c18f6a-5575-48e5-b5fc-8cf3b28a8848
>> dr0|urn:lsid:icmbio.gov.br:icmbio.parnaso.occurrence:MA71179 |
>> null | 4ea9ad71-16a3-4f17-800c-ba40492c978b
>> dr0|urn:lsid:icmbio.gov.br:icmbio.parnaso.occurrence:MA63847 |
>> null | 2c94f101-2fec-4aba-93a0-05d50f529300
>> dr0|urn:lsid:icmbio.gov.br:icmbio.parnaso.occurrence:MA464300 |
>> null | 0ac772ed-8e02-444d-8433-a80aa9771f25
>> dr0|urn:lsid:icmbio.gov.br:icmbio.parnaso.occurrence:MA63772 |
>> null | 2ce8275c-7d36-4e9d-a15f-4e3daf6bfde9
>> dr0|urn:lsid:icmbio.gov.br:icmbio.parnaso.occurrence:MA16756 |
>> null | 253b2511-6a09-493a-9d05-2f2573f9fbd1
>> dr0|urn:lsid:icmbio.gov.br:icmbio.parnaso.occurrence:MA133940 |
>> null | 368a1412-7350-46b5-b389-07125dd28a33
>> dr0|urn:lsid:icmbio.gov.br:icmbio.parnaso.occurrence:MA41315 |
>> null | ead8efa0-2216-427b-bfaa-595a49603a09
>> dr0|urn:lsid:icmbio.gov.br:icmbio.parnaso.occurrence:MA198039 |
>> null | e7f101cd-243d-479a-98b1-043adae19cb7
>> dr0|urn:lsid:icmbio.gov.br:icmbio.parnaso.occurrence:MA133942 |
>> null | 704cf8c0-9c10-4e1b-93d1-8a5a52e62126
>> dr0|urn:lsid:icmbio.gov.br:icmbio.parnaso.occurrence:MA2524 |
>> null | 1c287699-75dd-4ac6-80cc-314151277366
>> 2014-06-25 2:32 GMT-03:00 David.Martin@csiro.au:
>>> I thought I'd just post the following shell transcript to the list in
>>> case its of use to others.
>>> The cassandra-cli tool is part of the cassandra distribution.
>>> To view the data in cassandra using the cassandra-cli tool:
>>> mar759@ala-ono:~$ cassandra-cli -h localhost -p 9160 -k occ
>>> Column Family assumptions read from
>>> /home/mar759/.cassandra/assumptions.json
>>> Connected to: "Biocache" on localhost/9160
>>> Welcome to Cassandra CLI version 1.2.10
>>> Type 'help;' or '?' for help.
>>> Type 'quit;' or 'exit;' to quit.
>>> [default@occ] list occ limit 1;
>>> Using default cell limit of 100
>>> -------------------
>>> RowKey: dr107|43704421
>>> => (name=attr.qa, value=[], timestamp=1397043413407000)
>>> => (name=basisOfRecord, value=UNKNOWN, timestamp=1397043412777000)
>>> => (name=bor.qa, value=[20002], timestamp=1397043413407000)
>>> => (name=catalogNumber, value=1, timestamp=1397043412777000)
>>> => (name=class.qa, value=[10008,10005], timestamp=1397043413407
>>> .....
>>> ------------------------------
>>> *From:* ala-portal-bounces@lists.gbif.org [
>>> ala-portal-bounces@lists.gbif.org] on behalf of David.Martin@csiro.au
>>> [David.Martin@csiro.au]
>>> *Sent:* 25 June 2014 15:24
>>> *To:* daniel.lins@gmail.com; ala-portal@lists.gbif.org;
>>> pedro.correa@usp.br
>>> *Subject:* [ExternalEmail] Re: [Ala-portal] Using Biocache-Store and
>>> Apache Cassandra on different servers
>>> Thanks Daniel.
>>> How did you load the data ?
>>> Also can you see the records using the cassandra-cli tool ?
>>> Dave
>>> ------------------------------
>>> *From:* Daniel Lins [daniel.lins@gmail.com]
>>> *Sent:* 25 June 2014 15:21
>>> *To:* Martin, Dave (CES, Black Mountain); ala-portal@lists.gbif.org;
>>> Pedro Corrêa
>>> *Subject:* Using Biocache-Store and Apache Cassandra on different
>>> servers
>>> Hi,
>>> We configured the ALA applications on different Servers of the
>>> database Server. However, we are having problems running the biocache-store.
>>> I changed the biocache configuration file
>>> (/data/biocache/config/biocache-config.properties) and the Cassandra
>>> configuration (cassandra.yaml) for enabling remote access.
>>> (biocache-config.properties)
>>> # Cassandra Config
>>> db=cassandra
>>> *cassandra.hosts=*
>>> cassandra.port=9160
>>> cassandra.pool=biocache-store-pool
>>> cassandra.keyspace=occ
>>> cassandra.max.connections=-1
>>> cassandra.max.retries=6
>>> thrift.operation.timeout=8000
>>> (cassandra.yaml)
>>> *listen_address: *
>>> *rpc_address: *
>>> *rpc_port: 9160*
>>> ...
>>> *Running the Biocache-store in the server*
>>> When I ran the Loading method, the data were saved correctly in the
>>> Cassandra Database. However, in the Processing method, the data was not
>>> recovered (see message below) and the Indexing method did not index.
>>> biocache> process dr0
>>> Processing dr0 incremental=false
>>> 2014-06-25 00:17:20,228 INFO : [Consumer] - Initialising thread: 0
>>> 2014-06-25 00:17:20,270 INFO : [Consumer] - Initialising thread: 1
>>> 2014-06-25 00:17:20,271 INFO : [Consumer] - Initialising thread: 2
>>> 2014-06-25 00:17:20,274 INFO : [Consumer] - Initialising thread: 3
>>> 2014-06-25 00:17:20,275 INFO : [ProcessWithActors] - Starting with dr0|
>>> endingwith dr0|~
>>> 2014-06-25 00:17:20,275 INFO : [ProcessWithActors] - Initialised
>>> actors...
>>> 2014-06-25 00:17:20,274 INFO : [Consumer] - In thread: 0
>>> 2014-06-25 00:17:20,274 INFO : [Consumer] - In thread: 1
>>> 2014-06-25 00:17:20,281 INFO : [Consumer] - In thread: 2
>>> 2014-06-25 00:17:20,293 INFO : [Consumer] - In thread: 3
>>> 2014-06-25 00:17:20,326 INFO : [ProcessWithActors] - Last row key
>>> processed:
>>> 2014-06-25 00:17:20,327 INFO : [ProcessWithActors] - Finished.
>>> 2014-06-25 00:17:20,333 INFO : [Consumer] - Killing (Actor.act) thread:
>>> 0
>>> 2014-06-25 00:17:20,333 INFO : [Consumer] - Killing (Actor.act) thread:
>>> 3
>>> 2014-06-25 00:17:20,333 INFO : [Consumer] - Killing (Actor.act) thread:
>>> 2
>>> 2014-06-25 00:17:20,333 INFO : [Consumer] - Killing (Actor.act) thread:
>>> 1
>>> biocache> index dr0
>>> 2014-06-25 00:17:36,848 INFO : [IndexRecords] - Starting to index dr0|
>>> until dr0|~
>>> 2014-06-25 00:17:36,858 INFO : [IndexRecords] - Total indexing time
>>> 0.005 seconds
>>> 2014-06-25 00:17:36,858 INFO : [SolrIndexDAO] - Initialising the solr
>>> server null null
>>> 2014-06-25 00:17:36,859 INFO : [SolrIndexDAO] - Initialising connection
>>> to SOLR server.....
>>> 2014-06-25 00:17:37,764 INFO : [SolrIndexDAO] - Initialising connection
>>> to SOLR server - done.
>>> 2014-06-25 00:17:38,040 INFO : [SolrIndexDAO] - >>>>>>>>>>>>> Document
>>> count of index: 0
>>> 2014-06-25 00:17:38,041 INFO : [SolrIndexDAO] - Finalise finished.
>>> ** The delete_resource method also didn't work and I need to delete
>>> the occurrence table using the truncate command.
>>> Does anyone know how to solve this issue?
>>> Thanks!!
>>> Regards,
>>> --
>>> Daniel Lins da Silva
>>> (Mobile) 55 11 96144-4050
>>> Research Center on Biodiversity and Computing (Biocomp)
>>> University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
>>> daniellins@usp.br
>>> daniel.lins@gmail.com
>> --
>> Daniel Lins da Silva
>> (Cel) 11 6144-4050
>> daniel.lins@gmail.com
> --
> Daniel Lins da Silva
> (Cel) 11 6144-4050
> daniel.lins@gmail.com
Daniel Lins da Silva
(Cel) 11 6144-4050