Thanks Hector. Yes, you can install the ALA portal without vagrant. We only use Vagrant ourselves to test ansible playbooks. We recommend installing the ALA portal modules on Ubuntu 16 virtual machines in a virtualised environment. Hope this helps, Dave Martin ALA ________________________________________ From: ALA-Portal [ala-portal-bounces@lists.gbif.org] on behalf of hhernandez@query.com.gt [hhernandez@query.com.gt] Sent: 23 July 2018 02:58 To: ala-portal@lists.gbif.org Subject: [ALA-Portal] First steps and some questions Hello, my name is Hector, I’am from Guatemala. We want to implement the ALA Portal, but I have some questions. I have already try to do the installation but with no good results. I already have an ubuntu installed, so with this information wich link should I use This https://github.com/AtlasOfLivingAustralia/ala-install Or this https://github.com/AtlasOfLivingAustralia/documentation/wiki/Installation I was reading the documentation but I don’t get right if I have to use a VM with my ubuntu? Can I install the ALA portal without an VM an vagrant? I hope to be clear myself Thanks for help _____________________________________ Héctor Armando Hérnandez S. Gerente General. Celular: (502) 5318 – 8162 Skype: harmandohs [peq]