Hi Suelane,

I’d suggest you try these 2 minor changes to the web.xml file:

1. Change the serverName section -











2. Change the server uriFilterPattern to:





I also note you are missing a few filter settings that we use in our version of hub-webapp. I’ve attached a sample “web.xml” file that you should look at, to check against, if the above changes do not work.


Nick dos Remedios
Atlas of Living Australia

From: "Suelane G. Fontes" <suelane@uol.com.br>
Date: Thursday, 17 April 2014 5:22 am
To: "ala-portal@lists.gbif.org" <ala-portal@lists.gbif.org>, "support@ala.org.au" <support@ala.org.au>
Subject: Cas Authentication - Hubs-Webapp

Hi all,

We need to enforce the users to authenticate before have access to ALA-PORTAL..

We found a authentication enforcement in ala-collectory module, when the user tries to access the “admin” page, using JASIG Cas server.

We performed the following steps to test the authentication:

We deployed an instance of JASIG Cas server (http://www.jasig.org/cas) in server:

We configured the ala-collectoy to enforce authentication in file: ala-collectory-0.1.0/ala-collectory/grails-app/conf/config.groovy , using the following code:


if (!security.cas.uriFilterPattern) {
   security.cas.uriFilterPattern = "/admin.*,/collection.*,/institution.*,/contact.*,/reports.*," +
if (!security.cas.loginUrl) {
   security.cas.loginUrl = ""
if (!security.cas.logoutUrl) {
   security.cas.logoutUrl = ""
if (!security.apikey.serviceUrl) {
   security.apikey.serviceUrl = ""
   security.cas.appServerName = ""
   security.cas.casServerName = ""
   security.cas.uriExclusionFilterPattern = '/images.*,/css.*,/js.*,/less.*'
   security.cas.authenticateOnlyIfLoggedInPattern = "" // pattern for pages that can optionally display info about the logged-in user
   security.cas.casServerUrlPrefix = ''
   security.cas.bypass = true
   disableAlertLinks = false

   disableOverviewMap = false

then, we tried to access the admin section of ala-collectory browser. Which worked perfectly: the ala-collectory redirected the call to CAS server login page, and after the user provides correct username and password the user is redirected again to admin-section of ala-collectory.

We would like to enforce the same authentication in ala-hubs, as shown in the figure adapted from wiki (attached).

We followed the steps in wiki:

https://code.google.com/p/ala-bie/wiki/Authentication#Example_web.xml_configuration .

In pom.xml of hubs-webapp directory we included the following code:






















In web.xml file we included the following code:

<!-- CAS Authentication related properties -->


<!-- Parameter used by CAS filters -->












<param-value>/, /occurrences/\d+, /occurrences/search, /explore/your-area</param-value>



<!-- CAS Authentication Service filters -->


<filter-name>CAS Authentication Filter</filter-name>

















<filter-name>CAS Validation Filter</filter-name>













<filter-name>CAS HttpServletRequest Wrapper Filter</filter-name>









<filter-name>CAS Authentication Filter</filter-name>





<filter-name>CAS Validation Filter</filter-name>





<filter-name>CAS HttpServletRequest Wrapper Filter</filter-name>



then we deployed the hubs-webapp.war in tomcat server. Unfornatelly, when the user access ala-webapp no autentication is asked by ala-portal.

What we need to do in order to enforce all the users to autenticate in jasig cas before have access to hubs-webapp?

