Hello guys, 

I have a problem during the registry of institution locations (and collections) in collectory module. 

The system does not accept any geographical coordinates. All coordinates generated the same error before saving. For instance:

Latitude: -35.307494965549076
Longitude: 149.10190973281863

Error message:
"O campo [latitude] da classe [class au.org.ala.collectory.Institution] com o valor [-35.307.494.965.549.076] não atinge o valor mínimo [-360]
O campo [longitude] da classe [class au.org.ala.collectory.Institution] com o valor [14.910.190.973.281.863] ultrapass o valor máximo [360]" 

"The field [latitude] of class [class au.org.ala.collectory.Institution] with value [-3,530,469,319,052,836] does not reach the minimum value [-360] ..."

I also had that problem in the http://ala-demo.gbif.org

Someone had the same problem?



Daniel Lins da Silva
(Cel) 11 6144-4050