Thanks Daniel. Natasha has now left the ALA. The uniqueness of records is determined by information stored in the collectory. See screenshot [1]. By default, "catalogNumber" is used but you can change this to any number of fields that should be stable in the data. Using unstable fields for the ID isn't recommended (e.g. scientificName). To update the records, the process is to just re-load the dataset. Automatically loaded - this isnt in use and we may remove from the UI in future iterations. Incremental Load - affects the sample/process/index steps to only run these against the new records. Load is always incremental based on the key field(s) but if the incremental load box isn’t checked it runs the sample/process/index steps against the whole data set. This can cause a large processing overhead when there’s a minor update to a large data set. Cheers Dave Martin ALA [1] http://bit.ly/1g72HFN ________________________________ From: Daniel Lins [daniel.lins@gmail.com] Sent: 05 May 2014 15:39 To: Quimby, Natasha (CES, Black Mountain) Cc: ala-portal@lists.gbif.org; dos Remedios, Nick (CES, Black Mountain); Martin, Dave (CES, Black Mountain); Pedro Corrêa Subject: Re: [Ala-portal] DwC-A loading problems Hi Natasha, I managed to import the DwC-A file following the steps reported in the previous email. Thank you! However, when I tried to update some metadata of an occurrence record (already stored in the database), the system created a new record with these duplicated information. So I started to have several records with the same occurrenceID (I did set in the data resource configuration to use "OcurrenceID" to uniquely identify a record). How can I update existing records in the database? For instance, the location's metadata of an occurrence record stored in my database? I also would like to better understand the behavior of the properties "Automatically loaded" and "Incremental Load". Thanks!! Regards, Daniel Lins da Silva (Mobile) 55 11 96144-4050<tel:55%2011%2096144-4050> Research Center on Biodiversity and Computing (Biocomp) University of Sao Paulo, Brazil daniellins@usp.br<mailto:daniellins@usp.br> daniel.lins@gmail.com<mailto:daniel.lins@gmail.com> 2014-04-28 3:52 GMT-03:00 Daniel Lins <daniel.lins@gmail.com<mailto:daniel.lins@gmail.com>>: Thanks Natasha! I will try your recommendations. Once finished, I will contact you. Regards Daniel Lins da Silva (Mobile) 55 11 96144-4050<tel:55%2011%2096144-4050> Research Center on Biodiversity and Computing (Biocomp) University of Sao Paulo, Brazil daniellins@usp.br<mailto:daniellins@usp.br> daniel.lins@gmail.com<mailto:daniel.lins@gmail.com> 2014-04-28 3:26 GMT-03:00 <Natasha.Quimby@csiro.au<mailto:Natasha.Quimby@csiro.au>>: Hi Daniel, When you specify a local DwcA Load the archive needs to be unzipped. Try unzipping 2f676abc-4503-489e-8f0c-fcb6e1bc554b.zip and then running the following: sudo java -cp .:biocache.jar au.org.ala.util.DwCALoader dr7 -l /data/collectory/upload/1398658607824/2f676abc-4503-489e-8f0c-fcb6e1bc554b If you configure the collectory to provide the dwca the biocache automatically unzips the archive for you. You would need to configure dr7 with the following connection parameters: "protocol":"DwCA" "termsForUniqueKey":["occurrenceID"], "url":"file:////data/collectory/upload/1398658607824/2f676abc-4503-489e-8f0c-fcb6e1bc554b.zip" You could then load the resource by: sudo java -cp .:biocache.jar au.org.ala.util.DwCALoader dr7 If you continue to have issues please let us know. Hope that this helps. Regards Natasha From: Daniel Lins <daniel.lins@gmail.com<mailto:daniel.lins@gmail.com>> Date: Monday, 28 April 2014 3:54 PM To: "ala-portal@lists.gbif.org<mailto:ala-portal@lists.gbif.org>" <ala-portal@lists.gbif.org<mailto:ala-portal@lists.gbif.org><mailto:ala-portal@lists.gbif.org><mailto:ala-portal@lists.gbif.org><mailto:ala-portal@lists.gbif.org><mailto:ala-portal@lists.gbif.org>>, "dos Remedios, Nick (CES, Black Mountain)" <Nick.Dosremedios@csiro.au<mailto:Nick.Dosremedios@csiro.au>>, "Martin, Dave (CES, Black Mountain)" <David.Martin@csiro.au<mailto:David.Martin@csiro.au>> Subject: [Ala-portal] DwC-A loading problems Hi Nick and Dave, We are having some problems in Biocache during the upload of DwC-A files. As shown below, after run the method "au.org.ala.util.DwCALoader", our system returns the error message "Exception in thread "main" org.gbif.dwc.text.UnkownDelimitersException: Unable to detect field delimiter" I accomplished tests using DwC-A files with tab-delimited text files and comma-delimited text files. In both cases the error generated was the same. What causes these problems? (** CSV Loader works great) tab-delimited file test poliusp@poliusp-VirtualBox:~/dev/biocache$ sudo java -cp .:biocache.jar au.org.ala.util.DwCALoader dr7 -l /data/collectory/upload/1398658607824/2f676abc-4503-489e-8f0c-fcb6e1bc554b.zip 2014-04-28 01:44:02,837 INFO : [ConfigModule] - Loading configuration from /data/biocache/config/biocache-config.properties 2014-04-28 01:44:03,090 INFO : [ConfigModule] - Initialise SOLR 2014-04-28 01:44:03,103 INFO : [ConfigModule] - Initialise name matching indexes 2014-04-28 01:44:03,605 INFO : [ConfigModule] - Initialise persistence manager 2014-04-28 01:44:03,606 INFO : [ConfigModule] - Configure complete Loading archive /data/collectory/upload/1398658607824/2f676abc-4503-489e-8f0c-fcb6e1bc554b.zip for resource dr7 with unique terms List(dwc:occurrenceID) stripping spaces false incremental false testing false Exception in thread "main" org.gbif.dwc.text.UnkownDelimitersException: Unable to detect field delimiter at org.gbif.file.CSVReaderFactory.buildArchiveFile(CSVReaderFactory.java:129) at org.gbif.file.CSVReaderFactory.build(CSVReaderFactory.java:46) at org.gbif.dwc.text.ArchiveFactory.readFileHeaders(ArchiveFactory.java:344) at org.gbif.dwc.text.ArchiveFactory.openArchive(ArchiveFactory.java:289) at au.org.ala.util.DwCALoader.loadArchive(DwCALoader.scala:129) at au.org.ala.util.DwCALoader.loadLocal(DwCALoader.scala:106) at au.org.ala.util.DwCALoader$.main(DwCALoader.scala:52) at au.org.ala.util.DwCALoader.main(DwCALoader.scala) comma-delimited file test poliusp@poliusp-VirtualBox:~/dev/biocache$ sudo java -cp .:biocache.jar au.org.ala.util.DwCALoader dr7 -l ./dwca-teste3.zip 2014-04-28 01:56:04,683 INFO : [ConfigModule] - Loading configuration from /data/biocache/config/biocache-config.properties 2014-04-28 01:56:04,940 INFO : [ConfigModule] - Initialise SOLR 2014-04-28 01:56:04,951 INFO : [ConfigModule] - Initialise name matching indexes 2014-04-28 01:56:05,437 INFO : [ConfigModule] - Initialise persistence manager 2014-04-28 01:56:05,438 INFO : [ConfigModule] - Configure complete Loading archive ./dwca-teste3.zip for resource dr7 with unique terms List(dwc:occurrenceID) stripping spaces false incremental false testing false Exception in thread "main" org.gbif.dwc.text.UnkownDelimitersException: Unable to detect field delimiter at org.gbif.file.CSVReaderFactory.buildArchiveFile(CSVReaderFactory.java:129) at org.gbif.file.CSVReaderFactory.build(CSVReaderFactory.java:46) at org.gbif.dwc.text.ArchiveFactory.readFileHeaders(ArchiveFactory.java:344) at org.gbif.dwc.text.ArchiveFactory.openArchive(ArchiveFactory.java:289) at au.org.ala.util.DwCALoader.loadArchive(DwCALoader.scala:129) at au.org.ala.util.DwCALoader.loadLocal(DwCALoader.scala:106) at au.org.ala.util.DwCALoader$.main(DwCALoader.scala:52) at au.org.ala.util.DwCALoader.main(DwCALoader.scala) Thanks! Regards. -- Daniel Lins da Silva (Mobile) 55 11 96144-4050<tel:55%2011%2096144-4050> Research Center on Biodiversity and Computing (Biocomp) University of Sao Paulo, Brazil daniellins@usp.br<mailto:daniellins@usp.br> daniel.lins@gmail.com<mailto:daniel.lins@gmail.com> -- Daniel Lins da Silva (Cel) 11 6144-4050 daniel.lins@gmail.com<mailto:daniel.lins@gmail.com> -- Daniel Lins da Silva (Cel) 11 6144-4050 daniel.lins@gmail.com<mailto:daniel.lins@gmail.com>