Hello Dave, Thanks! This fixed the bug :-) ! Best regards, Marie-Elise Le 12/03/15 08:47, David.Martin@csiro.au a écrit :
Thanks Marie. We should add a sensible default for that property. The demo doesn’t require CAS setup (although there are ansible scripts for this - something to discuss in Paris ). For now if you add the following into your inventory:
then the scripts should finish. I’ll run some tests to confirm this later on this (Australian) evening.
Dave Martin ALA
On 12 Mar 2015, at 5:30 am, Marie-Elise Lecoq <melecoq@gbif.fr <mailto:melecoq@gbif.fr>> wrote:
Hi all !
I had some issues with my ALA demo portal on my server so I decided to re-install an installation on VM with vagrant and ansible using the last version of ala-install project (from the ALA github).
Unfortunately, I had some errors. The first one was about the vagrant user rights. I added "remote_user: vagrant" and "sudo: yes" on the ala-demo.yml file and it fixed it.
Then, I have issues with undefined ansible variables (solr_hostname and biocache_service_hostname) on the vagrant file. I resolved those bugs by adding them in the file.
Now, I have another fatal error about another missing variable : userdetails_url. The error message is :
fatal: [] => {'msg': "AnsibleUndefinedVariable: One or more undefined variables: 'userdetails_url' is undefined", 'failed': True} fatal: [] => {'msg': 'One or more items failed.', 'failed': True, 'changed': False, 'results': [{'msg': "AnsibleUndefinedVariable: One or more undefined variables: 'userdetails_url' is undefined", 'failed': True}]}
It seems that this variable is needed on the biocache-config.properties. When I searched this variable on the other files, I found that you filled it with "https://auth.ala.org.au/userdetails/userDetails". I guess that it is linked to the authentication system. In my configuration, what kind of data do I have to fill in this field ? Do you have any clue about what I can do in order to skip this error ? If it is linked to the authentication system, I don't need it on our portal (for now). In this case, how can I remove the system ?
I'm not sure that my explanation and my questions are clear :-)! Don't hesitate to ask me more information if you need it.
In advance, thanks! Best regards, Marie-Elise
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