Thanks so much Dave, I'll test it in this weekend. Cheers. SaMa --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Santiago Martínez de la Riva GBIF.ES, Unidad de Coordinación Tel. +34 91 4203017 x 273 Real Jardín Botánico - CSIC Fax +34 91 429 2405 Plaza de Murillo, 2 sama@gbif.es 28014 Madrid, Spain www.gbif.es ________________________________________ De: ala-portal-bounces@lists.gbif.org [ala-portal-bounces@lists.gbif.org] En nombre de David.Martin@csiro.au [David.Martin@csiro.au] Enviado el: viernes, 05 de septiembre de 2014 8:43 Para: ala-portal@lists.gbif.org Asunto: [Ala-portal] releases for collectory, biocache-hubs and ala-name-matching Hi Santiago, all, We've put out three bug releases with fixes for the links back to collection/institutions and the name matching issues. * ala-name-matching v2.1 * collectory v1.1.1 * biocache-hubs v0.57 The ansible scripts are now pointing at these versions so re-running the ala-demo.yml [1] ansible playbook will install these updates. To update your instance generic-hub, change the biocache-hubs version referenced in the grails-app/conf/BuildConfig.groovy to: runtime ":biocache-hubs:0.57" The latest builds are deployed to http://ala-demo.gbif.org. Heres an example record with institution/collection links here [2]. We also noticed a bad config setting with demo scripts that we've now fixed. The file /data/biocache/config/biocache-config.properties should have the following: caches.collections.enabled=true This was set to false and was preventing the proper display of collection, institution names in queries. Hope this helps, Dave [1] https://github.com/AtlasOfLivingAustralia/ala-install/blob/master/ansible/al... [2] http://ala-demo.gbif.org/generic-hub/occurrences/15729b22-4acb-4d9a-b52e-8c9...