Great stuff Daniel,

I'd like to update the wiki (or I can give you access to, which might be better) with a link to your installation, and details of it when its ready if that is ok?  It will be highly useful for others to know what hardware you are running on, OS versions etc.


On Mar 6, 2014, at 11:58 AM, Daniel Lins wrote:

Thanks Dave!

We did not use the installation script. We had some issues during script execution (I'll post these issues in another email). We did a manual installation through the build of the source code files.

I believe our problem was in the line below. I'll test and send to you a feedback.

# disable all security

Thanks again.

Daniel Lins da Silva
(Cel) 55 11 96144-4050
Research Center on Biodiversity and Computing (Biocomp)
University of Sao Paulo, Brazil

2014-03-06 0:05 GMT-03:00 <>:
Thanks Daniel.

Did you use the installation script ? If so it should have CAS disabled by default. 

The file:


should look like:

# Security bypass


# disable all security



Dave Martin

From: [] on behalf of Daniel Lins []
Sent: 06 March 2014 13:53
Subject: [Ala-portal] How to bypass the authentication process of Collectory component

Hi Guys,

We did the deployment of the main ALA components (Biocache, Hubs-webapp and Collectory) and now we do some tests with local data. However, we don't have access to the administrative features of Collectory component. 

We check that the ALA access control is accomplished through the CAS component (Central Authentication Service), and we will install it soon. Now we would like to bypass this authentication in order to test the administrative features without the CAS deployment/configuration. 

I noticed that exist some parameters in the collectory configuration files to do this, but in our tests did not work properly.

Can we disable (bypass) the authentication process to use the collectory administrative features without the CAS deployment? How to do this?


Best Regards,

Daniel Lins da Silva
(Cel) 55 11 96144-4050
Research Center on Biodiversity and Computing (Biocomp)
University of Sao Paulo, Brazil

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