Hi, Tim! I've followed the newer configuration file. It's easier, yet there is a little issue. When configure the ansible playbook it throws some kind of exception (attached the full stack) TASK: [nameindex | unpackage the lucene index if it was newly copied] ********* failed: [] => {"changed": true, "cmd": "tar xvf /data/lucene/col_namematching.tgz -C /data/lucene/ ", "delta": "0:00:26.892503", "end": "2014-06-19 18:50:56.676597", "item": "", "rc": 2, "start": "2014-06-19 18:50:29.784094"} stderr: tar: Ignoring unknown extended header keyword `LIBARCHIVE.creationtime' Any idea? Best regards and thank you very much Miguel El mié, 18-06-2014 a las 21:50 +0200, Tim Robertson [GBIF] escribió:
Hi Miguel
One of the goals of the forthcoming workshop is to clean up legacy documentation such as that which you have stumbled upon. You are following old guides there I am afraid.
Please can you start here: http://dev.gbif.org/wiki/display/ALA/01 +Essential+tools+and+environment+configurations
The installation is actually run as an Ansible playbook now and not the shell script you were using. Once Ansible is set up, and you have a target host, the installation should be very straightforward.
Sorry about this - it looks like you made great progress though so I am sure you learnt something about the underlying pieces at least.
Thanks, Tim
On 18 Jun 2014, at 18:50, Miguel Carboni <mcarboni@mincyt.gob.ar> wrote:
I'm following the getting started page from: https://code.google.com/p/ala-portal/wiki/GettingStarted
And had a couple of minor issues:
- When I try to download cassandra and solr, the cited releases aren't available in mirror sites. I've downloaded this ones: http://apache.dattatec.com/cassandra/1.2.16/apache-cassandra-1.2.16-bin.tar.... http://apache.dattatec.com/lucene/solr/4.8.1/solr-4.8.1.tgz
I also had a little issue "unzip" the taxon.tgz. It looks like if it weren't zipped, just tared.
$ tar xf taxon.tgz
Will do.
For the biocache service, the http://ala-portal.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/biocache-service/biocache-config/... download link was broken. Is this a valid one? http://ala-portal.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/biocache-service/config/applicati...
Is this properties file correct? http://ala-portal.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/biocache-service/config/biocache-...
I've found many references to remote servers. I've already changed the solrHome. Should I change any other?
When I get to the biocache cli. If i press Enter or call any command I get
$ java -cp .:biocache.jar -Xmx2g -Xms2g au.org.ala.util.CommandLineTool ---------------------------- | Biocache management tool | ----------------------------
Please supply a command or hit ENTER to view command list. biocache> healthcheck BANG! Guice exceptions! The full exception is in the attached file.
Any clue? Is there any jar missing in the classpath or any configuration file missing?
Thank you very much in advance and best regards, Miguel
<exception.txt>_______________________________________________ Ala-portal mailing list Ala-portal@lists.gbif.org http://lists.gbif.org/mailman/listinfo/ala-portal
Tim Robertson - GBIF Head of Informatics - trobertson@gbif.org
Global Biodiversity Information Facility http://www.gbif.org/
GBIF Secretariat, Universitetsparken 15, DK-2100 Copenhagen Ø, Denmark
Tel: +45 3532 1487 Mob: +45 2826 1487 Fax: +45 2875 1480