Hello all, Here is a schedule for the workshop next week (21st-25th July 2014): http://goo.gl/mNvdoK As you will see we have structured the first 2.5 days. We are leaving the remainder of the time for hands-on installation and customisation of tools for your own regional portal. We can also arrange breakout sessions for specific topics of interest. We will identify these areas of interest at the start of the week. We plan to use EC2 instances for the workshop to provide users with an environment they can run Ansible scripts against. Ansible is only supported on Linux or Mac OSX. For this reason please bring a Linux or Mac OSX laptop if possible. For Windows users, please bring a laptop with VirtualBox installed. If you can, its also advisable to install Ansible [2] and Vagrant [3] before you get here. We have migrated nearly all of the ALA projects to GitHub [4]. For those without GitHub accounts, it is probably worth creating one and gaining some familiarity with Git and Github. Looking forward to meeting you all, Thanks Dave Martin ALA [1] https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads [2] http://docs.ansible.com/intro_installation.html [3] http://www.vagrantup.com/downloads.html [4] https://github.com/AtlasOfLivingAustralia