Many thanks Rui. We’ll investigate both these issues. Thanks again, its much appreciated. Dave Martin ALA On 7 Jun 2015, at 11:59 am, Rui Figueira <rui.figueira@iict.pt<mailto:rui.figueira@iict.pt>> wrote: Hi ALA list members, We have obtained access to a cloud service in Portugal, so I am trying to reproduce the installation we made in the ALE Paris Workshop, using the demo-ec2 ansible inventory. I am using the ala-install github project downloaded in the 2nd of june, 2015. Our cloud VM was configured with 8 CPUs, 16 GB RAM and 16 GB disk, and is using a Ubuntu Server 14.04 LTS instance. I managed conclude successfully the installation, but in which we had to deal will the following issues: Issue 1: TASK: [biocache-properties | Download SDS layers] ***************************** fatal: [ala-demo] => error while evaluating conditional: sds_enabled FATAL: all hosts have already failed -- aborting Solution: As apparently this step is downloading spatial layers for Australia, I opted to skip it. For that, I had to define sds_enabled = false in the demo-ec2 inventory, because the installation was not assuming the default false value. Issue 2: The file biocache-config.properties was not found. In the ansible project, the file is placed at roles/biocache-properties/templates, but the installation is looking for the path roles/biocache-service/templates/config. Solution: I created the latter path and copied the file there. I hope this helps, Rui -------------------------------------------------------------- Rui Figueira Coordenador do Nó Português do GBIF rui.figueira@iict.pt<mailto:rui.figueira@iict.pt> Instituto de Investigação Científica Tropical – IICT Trav Conde da Ribeira, nº 9, 1300-142 Lisboa, Portugal Tel. +351 213616340 | Fax. +351 213631460 www.gbif.pt<http://www.gbif.pt/> / www.iict.pt<http://www.iict.pt/> _______________________________________________ Ala-portal mailing list Ala-portal@lists.gbif.org<mailto:Ala-portal@lists.gbif.org> http://lists.gbif.org/mailman/listinfo/ala-portal