Hi all again,

I just realised I haven't introduced myself. I am Burke Chih-Jen Ko, Informatics Liaison from the GBIF Secretariat. I am from TaiBIF, the Taiwanese node of GBIF, and I joined the Secretariat since 2011.

My next steps are to start to populate the project wiki on http://dev.gbif.org/wiki/display/ALA

I'll approach things in this order:
  i) Defining the wiki structure and creating stub pages
  ii) Documenting the installation procedure 
  iii) Documenting the general high level software architecture and how the components relate
  iv) Basic tutorials on how to load and index data
  v) A basic tutorial of how someone might start to restyle the vanilla application (basic intro only)
  vi) A guide on how to build the components from source code
  vii) FAQ
I would be very happy to receive assistant in any or all of this, and for others to help provide documentation on more advanced topics, such as using a different taxonomic backbone.

As we progress, I will work with the ALA to try and ensure outdated documentation that exists on other wikis are deprecated and we start to build a comprehensive and accurate set of instructions.

I'll be working approximately 2 days a week on helping shape up the ALA documentation.

Looking forward to working with you all.

Best wishes,


On May 23, 2014, at 3:49 PM, Burke Chih-Jen Ko [GBIF] <bko@gbif.org> wrote:

Hi all,

Words cannot describe how impressed I am to be able to get the ALA site up and running locally in 24 hours with Vagrant and Ansible as a freshman to these technologies - well done ALA devs!

I found some issues during the installation and I've filed them as issues in Jira:

I think ALA-33 is the critical one to address earlier.

I'll keep the list posted about the progress of the documentation.

Again thanks for your great work!


Informatics Liaison
GBIF Secretariat

Tel: +45 35 32 15 11
Fax: +45 32 32 14 80
Mobile: +45 24 66 88 80
E-mail: bko@gbif.org
Skype: burkeker

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