Hi colleagues, We have an issues related taxons names in Biocache. Natasha did an adaptation in Namematching for we genarate an Taxon Names Index based on a DwC-A. This worked perferctly!!! But, I guess that the names added in the Taxon Names Index have to be added in the Taxon Profile database (Cassandra) too. I'm right? If yes, there is another way to add names in Taxon Profile beyond to insert records manually in Cassandra database? Thanks, Allan Koch Veiga Núcleo de Pesquisa em Biodiversidade e Computação - BioComp Laboratório de Automação Agrícola - LAA Depto. de Engenharia de Computação e Sistemas Digitais - PCS Engenharia Elétrica - Escola Politécnica da USP Celular: +55 11 8401-2277 Email: allan.kv@usp.br "*Stay hungry, stay foolish.*" Stewart Brand