Does someone know how I can resolve this problem? Thanks in advance, Santi. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Santiago Martínez de la Riva GBIF.ES, Unidad de Coordinación Tel. +34 91 4203017 x 273 Real Jardín Botánico - CSIC Fax +34 91 429 2405 Plaza de Murillo, 2 sama@gbif.es 28014 Madrid, Spain www.gbif.es ________________________________________ De: Santiago Martinez de la Riva Enviado el: lunes, 29 de septiembre de 2014 13:54 Para: ala-portal@lists.gbif.org Asunto: ProviderCode Maps: Indexing dataset with several collection code Dear all, I have some datasets which have several collection code, the question is: how can i do to create the right relationship between the dataset, the collection and the instituttion through the ProviderCodes Map, if the dataset has 2 or more collection code?? e.g: If the dataset has these collection codes: cof and co_cof. I create the provider code: cof co_cof or cof, co_cof after this I create the providerCode Map between the institution and the colecction, and I select the codes, and I don't select the checkbox "Exact". But when I process and index again the dataset, I don't get that this process indexes all the records that dataset has. Could you help please? Cheers, Santi. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Santiago Martínez de la Riva GBIF.ES, Unidad de Coordinación Tel. +34 91 4203017 x 273 Real Jardín Botánico - CSIC Fax +34 91 429 2405 Plaza de Murillo, 2 sama@gbif.es 28014 Madrid, Spain www.gbif.es