Hello, It's Tanja Lumetsberger from the Biodiversity Atlas Austria. Vicente told me to post the following information via these email-lists: I wanted to let you know that we are looking into submitting a funding proposal to the Biodiversa+-Call from the European Union. The broad idea is to create an interface between Scratchpad and the Living Atlases infrastructure to enhance incorporation of national taxonomic backbones and information on certain species groups in the national LA infrastructures. A use case would be the taxon of Myriapoda and maybe another neglected taxon group. Additionally we would like to implement a function where local political decision makers can easily get a two-page output on their local regions state of biodiversity (depending on what is available in the Atlases). It would be great if we could team up to a broader transnational project consortium working on this implementations. Eligible for funding would be EU countries and some other associated states (please see here. https://www.biodiversa.org/2017). Duration is 3 years with a project budget each of around 12-1.5 million EUR. Starting date earliest is Dec 2023. At the moment it is my institution and the natural history museum of Vienna (both from Austria) and Senckenberg (Germany, working on Myriapods and the Myriatrix Scratchpad website (https://myriatrix.myspecies.info/). If you are interested in this, please let me know and I will include you in our project emailing list. Deadline for the call is 9th November - so we are in bit of a hurry. Best regards from Austria Tanja Tanja Lumetsberger, MSc Co-Lead Biodiversity Hub University of Continuing Education Krems Faculty of Economics and Globalisation Department for Knowledge and Communication Management Dr.-Karl-Dorrek-Str. 30 3500 Krems/Donau T +43 (0)2732 893-2344 Discover Austria's Biodiversity - "Biodiversity Atlas Austria": www.biodiversityatlas.at<http://www.biodiversityatlas.at/>