Hi Dave,

After I updated the biocache-service to the version 1.1, I stopped viewing the occurrence images in the hubs portal. All images urls were set to http://biocache.ala.org.au/biocache-media.


Maybe it's a issue, because in the biocache-service code (tags/biocache-service-1.1/src/main/java/au/org/ala/biocache/dto/OccurrenceIndex.java) the application is not checking the external configuration file. It is looking to "/biocache.properties". This file does not exist in this folder, thus the application always uses the default media url ("http://biocache.ala.org.au/biocache-media/"), generating this error.

public class OccurrenceIndex {

    public static String biocacheMediaUrl = "http://biocache.ala.org.au/biocache-media/";
    public static String biocacheMediaDir = "/data/biocache-media/";
    protected static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(OccurrenceIndex.class);

    static {
        //check the properties file for an override
        try {
            Properties p = new Properties();
            //InputStream inStream = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("biocache.properties");
            logger.debug("Retrieved biocacheMediaUrl: " + p.getProperty("biocacheMediaUrl"));
            logger.debug("Retrieved biocacheMediaDir: " + p.getProperty("biocacheMediaDir"));
            if(p.getProperty("biocacheMediaUrl") != null)
                biocacheMediaUrl = p.getProperty("biocacheMediaUrl");
            if(p.getProperty("biocacheMediaDir") != null)
                biocacheMediaDir = p.getProperty("biocacheMediaDir");

I changed this code to check first the property of the external configuration file ("/data/biocache/config/biocache-config.properties")
 and the visualization of images worked again.

Daniel Lins da Silva
Research Center on Biodiversity and Computing (Biocomp)
University of Sao Paulo, Brazil