Hi Daniel,

I'm not sure what is happening but I get 17 results for the same URL (step 3) that you show to have no results:


screenshot: https://www.dropbox.com/s/5oo70ws76v15d0q/Screenshot%202014-08-26%2014.17.53.png?dl=0

The URLs look to be the same, so maybe there is a locale or charset difference? Or else a reindex has changed something since you created your screenshots.

Having said that, there were a few times I did get the "No records found" message. 


I think this is a minor bug in the way the records are being assigned to each circle (on the map in EYA) - the actual geospatial shape for these groupings (in the index) is actually a rectangle (grid), not a circle but we ended up using circles because that's what people were asking for... A work-around could be to slightly increase the radius to catch the records just outside the circle being generated. E.g. your link (step 3) that showed no records, does show records when the radius is increased from 0.05 to 0.06:


Which gives 18 hits (not the reported 17 from EYA).

A better solution would be to draw grids, not circles and then create the same grid shape when showing records in the search results page.

Nick dos Remedios
Software Developer

On 26 Aug 2014, at 1:54 pm, Daniel Lins <daniel.lins@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi Nick,

When I tried these steps in the ALA Portal (http://biocache.ala.org.au/) occurred the same error reported by Santiago.

Below the steps and print screens.

Step 2: Click the occurrence point in the map.

Step3: Click in the link "view list of records" (number of records: 17).

I have the same error in my server, Both in the explore your area and in the occurrence map view, when I click in one point on the map that has more than one occurrence in this location. In the balloon, when I click on the link "view all" the same error occurs.

In both situations the system use the same parameters in the request:


What do you think it could be?


Daniel Lins da Silva.

2014-08-25 20:50 GMT-03:00 <Nick.Dosremedios@csiro.au>:
Hi Santiago,

It seems like your "Explore your area" (EYA) table and map are returning the correct points/records but then the linked "occurrence search" results don't get any records. The links you provided are the search result links but I need to be able to compare them with the URLs for the AJAX calls that are coming from the EYA page. 

If I use the Chrome "inspector" (or FF Firebug), looking at the "Network" tab, I can see that the EYA page (ALA version - http://biocache.ala.org.au/explore/your-area#-25.274398|133.77513599999997|12|ALL_SPECIES) is sending these XHR requests:

for map dots

for groups (left column of table)


for species in the right column of the table.

I'm guessing that there is some difference in the either the 'q', 'fq', 'qc' (or maybe 'lat', 'lon' & 'radius') params from these URLs compared to the URLs for your main search links (

Does this help? Maybe send me the equivalent links you are seeing in your browser for your version? 

You also might want to look at the DEBUG level logging in generic-hub tomcat log to see what the URLs that are being sent to biocache-service are for those search pages which are returning zero results. They might be using a different 'qc' param, etc?


On 25 Aug 2014, at 10:54 pm, Santiago Martinez de la Riva <sama@gbif.es> wrote:

Dear Nick,

I tell you the steps that I've done:

I cloned the generic-hub repository,I added the message_es.properties file, then I generated the war and I uploaded it to my VM.

In the [Case1], the url is:*:*&lat=40.4&lon=-3.7&radius=0.05.

I have records in the specified radio, you can see them in the image1, but the system never find the information in the searchs. I think that the Brazilian team has the same problem.

Kind regards.

Santiago Martínez de la Riva
GBIF.ES, Unidad de Coordinación         Tel. +34 91 4203017 x 273
Real Jardín Botánico - CSIC                     Fax +34 91 429 2405
Plaza de Murillo, 2                                     sama@gbif.es
28014 Madrid, Spain                                 www.gbif.es

De: Nick.Dosremedios@csiro.au [Nick.Dosremedios@csiro.au]
Enviado el: lunes, 25 de agosto de 2014 5:39
Para: Santiago Martinez de la Riva
CC: ala-portal@lists.gbif.org
Asunto: Re: [Ala-portal] Issue in the Explore your Area section

Hi Santiago,

I've tested that on a local version (generic-hub) and it works OK for me.

Could you send me the URL (if site is publically available) so I can see what AJAX services are sending, etc.?


Nick dos Remedios
Software Developer
Atlas of Living Australia<http://www.ala.org.au>
National Facilities & Collections, CSIRO<http://www.csiro.au/Organisation-Structure/National-Facilities.aspx>

On 20 Aug 2014, at 8:05 pm, Santiago Martinez de la Riva <sama@gbif.es<mailto:sama@gbif.es>> wrote:

Hi all,

We are testing again the ala portal, and I think that we have found a issue that I’m going to explain us below.

The issue is in the "Explore your Area" section.

[Case 1]. In the image1, we can see that there is one point into the area, exactly with one record. Then if we want to list this record, we  can click on the option "View list of records"  but the system shows us the next message: "No records found for *:*" (View image2) ".
[Case 2] This is also the case, when we try to do the same with the option "View all records" (View image3).
[Case 3 ]In other hand, if we try to list a specific record that we can see in the left list through the option "list of records" (View image4), in this case the system shows us this message "No records found for taxon_name:"Crepis bursifolia" ". (View image5)

In general, it´s like if these operations of  "Explore your Area" are not connected to the indexing of solr.
But I want to do one puntualization. In the first case, it makes no sense that the system shows us that error, because we are filtering the records that we want that the system shows us, when we click on the link of the bubble of that specific point in the area. I hope this helps to trace the error.

Many thanks and kind regards by SaMaxD.

Santiago Martínez de la Riva
GBIF.ES, Unidad de Coordinación         Tel. +34 91 4203017 x 273
Real Jardín Botánico - CSIC                     Fax +34 91 429 2405
Plaza de Murillo, 2                                     sama@gbif.es<mailto:sama@gbif.es>
28014 Madrid, Spain                                 www.gbif.es<http://www.gbif.es>
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Daniel Lins da Silva
Research Center on Biodiversity and Computing (Biocomp)
University of Sao Paulo, Brazil