Hi all, Words cannot describe how impressed I am to be able to get the ALA site up and running locally in 24 hours with Vagrant and Ansible as a freshman to these technologies - well done ALA devs! I found some issues during the installation and I've filed them as issues in Jira: http://dev.gbif.org/issues/browse/ALA-31 http://dev.gbif.org/issues/browse/ALA-32 http://dev.gbif.org/issues/browse/ALA-33 http://dev.gbif.org/issues/browse/ALA-34 I think ALA-33 is the critical one to address earlier. I'll keep the list posted about the progress of the documentation. Again thanks for your great work! Burke Informatics Liaison GBIF Secretariat Tel: +45 35 32 15 11 Fax: +45 32 32 14 80 Mobile: +45 24 66 88 80 E-mail: bko@gbif.org Skype: burkeker http://community.gbif.org/pg/profile/burkeker