Hi Paulo,
I haven’t seen it in biocache but I have in other projects. Google Guice for example has this issue.
We use Guice at GBIF and if we repeatedly deploy using (e.g.) Tomcat manager we hit issues - it’s a memory leak. If you plan to do a lot of undeploy / deploys, this will cause an issue, but if not you can safely ignore it.
If you don’t want to ignore it I think it looks like that is coming from Log4J so you might need to explore the logging configuration and if you can disable the appender completely and use a different one, or be very sure it is stopped on application undeploy (in which case you can ignore the warning).
I hope this helps,
We've deployed biocache-service (svn version 4428) on tomcat 6. But biocache-service does not enable for request.
We're seen a issue on log (catalina.out):
SEVERE: The web application [/biocache-service] appears to have started a thread named [AsyncAppender-Dispatcher-Thread-3] but has failed to stop it. This is very likely to create a memory leak.
Have you ever had this issue?
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