Dear Marie-Elise, Its looking great, congratulations! I particularly like the solution of having the tool with the same page layout as the general gbif.fr site. I believe you are using drupal as CMS for the general site. How was the integration done between drupal and ALFr? Cheers, Rui -------------------------------------------------------------- Rui Figueira Coordenador do Nó Português do GBIF rui.figueira@iict.pt Instituto de Investigação Científica Tropical – IICT Trav Conde da Ribeira, nº 9, 1300-142 Lisboa, Portugal Tel. +351 213616340 | Fax. +351 213631460 www.gbif.pt / www.iict.pt ________________________________ De: Ala-portal [ala-portal-bounces@lists.gbif.org] em nome de Marie-Elise Lecoq [melecoq@gbif.fr] Enviado: quinta-feira, 28 de Maio de 2015 11:14 Para: ala-portal@lists.gbif.org Cc: GBIF France Assunto: [Ala-portal] Launch of the GBIF France data portal Hi all, Just an email to announce that we launched the GBIF France portal based on ALA architecture, this morning. You can access to the portal via the GBIF France website (www.gbif.fr<http://www.gbif.fr> ) : menu "Consulter" then "Accès au portail français du GBIF". All your feedbacks are really welcome. You can send an email to the dev team (dev@gbif.fr<mailto:dev@gbif.fr>) or me (melecoq@gbif.fr<mailto:melecoq@gbif.fr>) in order to not spam this mailing list. The GBIF France team and I really want to thanks Dave, Santi and Tim for their help and the entire ALA team for this really good framework. Good job! It was nice to work with it and I can't wait to see what we will be able to do with it for future developments If you need any feedback of the installation or/and the front-end development, please feel free to ask. Have a good day! Cheers, Marie -- [cid:part1.00040700.06080402@gbif.fr]