Hi Dave,


My boss, Francisco Panco, arrived yesterday from Mexico. We talked about this workshop and we think that It can be a great opportunity for Gbif Spain to learn more about this project.


So I would like to participate in this workshop. But firstly,  I have to request the visa and I have to see the flight connections for this days.


Kind regards.


De: ala-portal-bounces@lists.gbif.org [mailto:ala-portal-bounces@lists.gbif.org] En nombre de David.Martin@csiro.au
Enviado el: jueves, 12 de junio de 2014 6:38
Para: ala-portal@lists.gbif.org
CC: Heather.Walsh@csiro.au; John.Lasalle@csiro.au; support@ala.org.au
Asunto: Re: [Ala-portal] Proposed workshop in Canberra 21-July - 25th July 2014


Dear all,


Thanks for the early responses.  At the moment we have expressions of interest from:


GBIF: Tim and Burke

Costa Rica: ?

Sao Paulo: 2-3 people

France: tentative 1 person?


In discussion with GBIF (Tim R) we believe that this would be enough to make some good progress.  


Can I please ask that we have a confirmation by the 17th June of a commitment to attend?


With this, we will begin arranging the workshop and logistics, and people can book flights etc.


(GBIF (TR and BK) have confirmed attendance should this proceed)




Dave Martin



From: Martin, Dave (CES, Black Mountain)
Sent: 06 June 2014 15:15
To: ala-portal@lists.gbif.org
Cc: support@ala.org.au; Walsh, Heather (CES, Black Mountain); La Salle, John (CES, Black Mountain)
Subject: Proposed workshop in Canberra - July 2014

Hello all,


There have been a couple of approaches to the team at ALA asking for the possibility of a visit to help advance understanding of the system.  Additionally we hear early indications of interest from the recent group who had a small workshop in Europe, but note their requests for improved documentation, processes and structure.


It is short notice but we would like to propose a workshop in Canbera for developers on the week of :  21-July - 25th July 2014


During this week we would aim to:

a) exchange knowledge amongst developers

b) collate wiki documentation on data management, and customization of the web portal

c) discuss and make progress in the processes surrounding source code management - e.g. potentially moving to Github and defining procedures for contribution, and releases


Please note that at this stage and for the foreseeable future, we believe the components suitable for collaboration and adoption are:

i. The biocache-hub webapp

ii. The collectory webapp

iii. The biocache backend processes


I understand that the GBIF secretariat will commit to managing the key pieces of documentation and assist in helping structure the project.  The ALA development team are committed to maintaining this codebase and using it to support applications in Australia. We don't envisage this being an off the shelf product such as the GBIF IPT, but rather a well managed open source project that people can contribute to and use as a framework to rapidly kick start their own developments.


If you have interest in joining, could you please reply to this expressing interest, even if only tentative? 


Many thanks,


Dave Martin