Hi Santiago, You mentioned you had happened to the same issue I encountered and had fixed it. Could you please point out which issue it was? http://dev.gbif.org/issues/issues/?jql=project%20%3D%20ALA I'll then document the solution. Many thanks, Burke On May 27, 2014, at 12:49 PM, sama <sama@gbif.es> wrote:
Hi all,
Yesterday I managed to install the ala-portal through ansible on my Mac.
I had the same issues that Burke had. I solved them. The question was that when I tried to load a resource via this command:
sudo java -cp .:biocache.jar au.org.ala.util.DwCALoader dr5
I obtained the next error message:
Error: Could not find or load main class au.org.ala.util.DwCALoader
I tried to do the load process with all distributions of biocache-stores (1.0, 1.1 and 1.2): http://maven.ala.org.au/repository/au/org/ala/biocache-store/
The first one includes the class au.org.ala.util.DwCALoader, but it doesn't work and with the other distributions I obtain this error message: "Could not find or load main class...".
Thanks for the help. Kind Regards. Sama
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