Hi Dave, I'm checking out the ansible script, and I have a problem with the field mapping in the indexing process. The question is that when I upload this resource http://api.gbif.org/v0.9/occurrence/download/request/0000874-140616093749225... ( http://www.gbif.org/dataset/835177da-f762-11e1-a439-00145eb45e9a) and I try to ingest the records. The mapping that the process applies for the indexing, it's wrong. (Look attach image please) It's like if one column is moved one position left. The begining of this problem appears in the column: <field index="54" term="http://purl.org/dc/terms/type"/> The next columns are moved one position left. It's weird. For this reason, you can see that the field "Associated taxa" is "Basis of record", and the same with the rest of the fields Could be a error in the internal map? In the meta.xml the order of the fields is right. I was thinking that it could be a error in the internal process of indexing Do you know what could be the problem?? Does anyone have the same problem as me?? Thanks so much. Kind Regards. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Santiago Martínez de la Riva GBIF.ES, Unidad de Coordinación Tel. +34 91 4203017 x 273 Real Jardín Botánico - CSIC Fax +34 91 429 2405 Plaza de Murillo, 2 sama@gbif.es 28014 Madrid, Spain www.gbif.es