root@vm-6:/home/ubuntu# biocache load dr179
SLF4J: Class path contains multiple SLF4J bindings.
SLF4J: Found binding in [jar:file:/usr/lib/biocache/lib/slf4j-log4j12-1.7.5.jar!/org/slf4j/impl/StaticLoggerBinder.class]
SLF4J: Found binding in [jar:file:/usr/lib/biocache/lib/logback-classic-1.1.3.jar!/org/slf4j/impl/StaticLoggerBinder.class]
SLF4J: Actual binding is of type [org.slf4j.impl.Log4jLoggerFactory]
2016-06-01 15:57:04,029 INFO : [ConfigModule] - Using config file: /data/biocache/config/
2016-06-01 15:57:04,036 DEBUG: [ConfigModule] - Loading configuration from /data/biocache/config/
2016-06-01 15:57:04,203 DEBUG: [ConfigModule] - Initialising DAO
2016-06-01 15:57:04,210 DEBUG: [ConfigModule] - Initialising SOLR
2016-06-01 15:57:04,212 DEBUG: [ConfigModule] - Initialising name matching indexes
2016-06-01 15:57:04,212 DEBUG: [ConfigModule] - Loading name index from /data/lucene/namematching
2016-06-01 15:57:04,796 DEBUG: [ConfigModule] - Initialising persistence manager
2016-06-01 15:57:04,798 DEBUG: [ConfigModule] - Configure complete
2016-06-01 15:57:05,064 DEBUG: [CassandraPersistenceManager] - Initialising cassandra connection pool with pool name: biocache-store-pool
2016-06-01 15:57:05,065 DEBUG: [CassandraPersistenceManager] - Initialising cassandra connection pool with hosts:
2016-06-01 15:57:05,065 DEBUG: [CassandraPersistenceManager] - Initialising cassandra connection pool with port: 9160
2016-06-01 15:57:05,065 DEBUG: [CassandraPersistenceManager] - Initialising cassandra connection pool with max connections: -1
2016-06-01 15:57:05,065 DEBUG: [CassandraPersistenceManager] - Initialising cassandra connection pool with max retries: 6
2016-06-01 15:57:05,065 DEBUG: [CassandraPersistenceManager] - Initialising cassandra connection pool with operation timeout: 80000
2016-06-01 15:57:05,361 DEBUG: [Config] - Using local media store
2016-06-01 15:57:05,419 INFO : [Config] - Using the default set of blacklisted media URLs
2016-06-01 15:57:05,763 INFO : [Loader] - Starting to load resource: dr179
2016-06-01 15:57:06,748 INFO : [DataLoader] - Darwin core archive loading
2016-06-01 15:57:09,235 INFO : [DataLoader] - Content-Disposition: attachment;